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I'm B Ring & I've got 20+ years studying & innovating in the broadcast, pay & streaming TV industries. My work is centered in a passion for improving the TV Viewer Experience. I use my own D2C survey techniques, trusted industry relationships, deep tech expertise & a wealth of insider knowledge to do the work I love for the biggest names in our business. Enjoy my free research reports.

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Product Led Growth in Streaming TV

Jim Louderback, lower left, generating big smiles with his wit after my off-the-charts bullish NFT call.

Access My Latest TV Surveys here!

John Kosner, lower left, tells a fantastic story about one of his proudest innovations, the NBA Trade Machine.

Indebted here to Art Raymond, one of the most accomplished sports media tech innovators around.  

Portlandia co-creator Evan Shapiro gives a bullish, colorful description of the Metaverse.

Sign-up for free to FutureOfTV.Live, my quarterly report & Zoomcast. The best guests. The sharpest insights. All the video highlights. Examples below.

Note. A special dedication here to the memory of Salil Dalvi, who is in the upper right in my two lower images. I reached out to Salil bc of his vast media tech experience including with Dyle TV at NBCU. We became fast friends online and I'm grateful for the chance we had to brainstorm ways to move the industry forward. He lost a battle to cancer at the young age of 52.  https://www.salildalvi.com/

Samples slides from my Sept 2021 research